Lovely surprise on my doorstep!

“Thanks for a wonderful presentation and information!” said the note that came with this beautiful bouquet of flowers which arrived today on my doorstep!
These beautiful flowers were sent from a local school with whom I collaborated last week!  During the Covid-19 lockdown, I contacted a local school to offer my clinical psychology consultation services and had the pleasure to collaborate on how best to support children with returning to school post lockdown. This was a collaboration between myself, the school lead SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) and the school’s Parent Inclusion Officer. 
It was great to work together with a local school and reach out to parents as a way to support children. Through discussing with the school SENCO and with the Parent Inclusion Officer prior to the presentation, I was able to gather the views of the school’s and to design a presentation that was suitable for the school in question. I think this really made a difference to ensure that my talk was aligned to the school’s ethos and the parents’ wishes and needs.
On the day, in attendance, there were about ten parents. The school SENCO, Parent Inclusion Officer and the Head of School were also present. It was very encouraging that the Head of School was present, as it communicates to parents and professionals a serious commitment from the school to support families. After my presentation, there was time for all of us to discuss and share strategies on how best to support children with the return to school. 
I hope that parents have found may talk useful. It is important that parents have opportunities like this  to hear from other parents and to know that  they are not alone in their concerns. It is also important that parents can communicate to school what they feel is needed to support their children return to school. 
For me, it was really a great experience to hear from parents, to exchange ideas, to give and receive support! This experience also illustrated to me that by taking the first step and offer support, I received back so much positive feedback which is really rewarding! 
It is really a great experience when our work is well received and appreciated, so I am really thankful and grateful, as it  means a great deal to me to receive these lovely flowers and the thankful note!
Stay hopeful!

Dora Bernardes

Further information:

For a full description of the strategies for parents to support their children return to school, click here